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Blog de estilo de vida de Essentia

Woman counting down time in a outdoor ice plunge
  • Wellness

¿Deberías tomar un baño de hielo antes de acostarte?

En los últimos años, los baños de hielo han ganado popularidad entre los deportistas, los entusiastas del fitness y los que buscan el bienestar. Y...

Man waking up and stretching while smiling in a bed with a dark headboard and fluffy white comforter
  • Wellness

Cómo mejorar la higiene del sueño

El sueño es uno de los aspectos más importantes para mantener la salud en general, pero a menudo se descuida o se malinterpreta. La falta de sueño...

Hockey player wearing a red and black uniform coming to a quick stop to get the hockey puck
  • Wellness

Desbloquee el máximo rendimiento a través del sueño: por qué los atletas duermen con Essentia

En el mundo de los deportes de élite, los márgenes más pequeños pueden marcar la mayor diferencia. Los atletas profesionales se esfuerzan constant...

Woman sitting on her bed taking a moment to relax and practice passive wellness
  • Wellness

¿Qué significa el bienestar para usted?

El bienestar es algo profundamente personal y en constante evolución, pero en esencia se trata de priorizar activamente la salud mental, física, e...

Beautiful woman with long hair smiling after waking up ready to take on the day. She has a cup of coffee and her cell phone in her hand.
  • Wellness

Duerme para sentirte genial

Imagina despertarte todos los días sintiéndote renovado, confiado y listo para enfrentarte al mundo. Suena como un sueño, ¿verdad? Para muchos, es...

Young mother holding her baby while young father is in the background at the changing table
  • Wellness

Taking an Organic Approach to Parenting

While it is easy to assume that everything manufactured for children and newborns must be safe and healthy, it is often not the case. Unfortunatel...

Michael Strahan holding an Essentia organic pillow on Good Morning America
  • Wellness

Essentia Mattress As Seen On The View & Good Morning America!

We've been kicking the year off with a big bang! Last week, Essentia mattresses were featured on The View during Greta Monahan's View Your Deal se...

Clean bedroom with lots of green plants.
  • Wellness

Cómo hacer de tu dormitorio un santuario

¿Qué te mantiene despierto por la noche? Los problemas de sueño pueden adoptar diversas formas, incluidos trastornos médicos como la depresión, la...

Do College Dorm Rooms Make You Sick?
  • Wellness

Do College Dorm Rooms Make You Sick?

Congratulations!  Your child got accepted to Harvard University. The bad news is that he/she will have to stay on campus for the first year. Why is...

Football players celebrating and holding football
  • Wellness

Sleep + Professional Athletes: How Does it Affect Performance?

There is nothing better than going to a live sporting event, from football, basketball, and even baseball the excitement of watching these amazing ...

Palm holding a small green ball that has the design of earth.
  • Wellness

Keeping it Green: Creating a Sustainable Home

Lowering our overall impact on the environment is a team effort, and like a ripple effect, a little from each of us can go a long way when it come...

Teen Mental Health After The Pandemic
  • Wellness

Salud mental de los adolescentes después de la pandemia

Han pasado 5 años desde la pandemia de COVID-19 y los problemas de salud mental entre los adolescentes siguen aumentando. Durante este tiempo, los...

Puppy sleeping on a couch
  • The Basics
  • Wellness

¿Cuánto sueño necesitan los perros?

¿Cuántos años tiene tu perro? ¡Llevamos años haciéndolo mal! El mito era que multiplicas la edad de tu perro por 7 y obtienes el equivalente ...

Holiday Prep Like a Pro: How to Enjoy Hosting Guests & Avoid Stress!
  • Wellness

Holiday Prep Like a Pro: How to Enjoy Hosting Guests & Avoid Stress!

It’s that time of year again to rekindle friendships and make new memories. There is nothing more rewarding than inviting family and friends to st...

Rio the dog smelling the flowers
  • Wellness

A Father’s Day Story of Perseverance & Hope: Saving Rio the Dog

I can remember it like it was yesterday; both my adult sons came home for the holidays. That Christmas night we went out for a family dinner at ou...

Max Pacioretty standing in front of two of his team jerseys.
  • Wellness

Concussions – A Discussion with Max Pacioretty

Concussions are a hot-button topic across all contact sports and something that we definitely wanted to understand better. Here at Essentia, many ...

Woman Practicing Tai Chi
  • Wellness

Meet the Chinese Body Clock, Your Ultimate Health Tool

The ancient Chinese believed that humans are the embodiment of their surroundings and intricately connected with nature. When Yin and Yang (define...

Easter chocolate in the shape of a bunny wrapped in green foil
  • Wellness

Cacao vs Cocoa: How Will Easter Chocolate Affect Your Sleep?

Easter is right around the corner and according to a 2021 poll by RetailMeNot, America’s favorite Easter candies were Reese’s Mini Peanut Butter ...

Woman on Essentia organic mattress with the Essentia Rise and Thrive logo
  • Wellness

Essentia Debuts New Rebranded Logo for 17th Anniversary Celebration

As Essentia celebrates 17 years of leading the charge when it comes to sleep wellness, it’s important to take stock of where we came from. This is...

Woman sitting on the floor smiling while meditating.
  • Wellness

The Link Between Sleep and Your Mental Health: Best Mattress for Restorative Sleep

A good night’s rest is a major key to good physical and mental health. In fact, research suggests that the quality of sleep you experience is inex...
