If you spend 8 hours a night sleeping, that's 2,688 hours per year spent in bed! Your physical, mental and emotional performances are all directly correlated to the quality of sleep you're getting.
The quality of your mattress drastically impacts the quality of your day to day activities, so it's very important to have the best mattress possible for your overall wellbeing. Good health requires healthy sleep, and that's exactly what Essentia provides.
Do I Need A New Mattress?
A refreshing night's sleep sets the stage for the day to come.
Do you:
a) have a worse night's sleep than you did a year ago?
b) wake up with stiffness and body aches?
c) find your mattress sags, has lumps or is worn out?
d) have a 6-8 year old mattress?
The life of a mattress depends on its usage and material quality; generally manufacturers and chiropractors recommend replacing your mattress every 6 to 8 years.
If you answered YES to any of the above, it might be time for an upgrade.
What's the Best Mattress for Me?
Sufficient product knowledge is critical to making the most informed and appropriate purchase for your sleeping needs.
Typically, two types of mattresses are available: innerspring and memory foam.
- Innerspring systems are the most common and consist of coiled metal springs sandwiched between layers of foam and padding. They generally last 5-10 years and are often the most budget-friendly option.
- Memory foam mattresses are made of higher-density foams, which offer superior body support. However, not all memory foam mattresses are created equal, so it's important to do your research. Did you know there are organic memory foam mattresses?
Three “S” of your mattress
Softness, support, and size are three important attributes you should look for when purchasing a mattress.
Mattress softness will keep your body comfortable and relaxed from all angles and contact points with the body surface. Lying on a mattress in-store to test its firmness will not guarantee comfort in the long run.
Your mattresses should be solid enough to provide support according to your body shape and sleeping pattern. Mattress softness and support go hand-in-hand: a good mattress should support your entire body and ensure spinal integrity.
Size does matter. Studies reveal that a healthy person moves 40-60 times a night with some 10-12 full-body movements.
To best suit your body size, there are 7 mattress sizes to choose from:

Sleeping with a partner, room size, lifestyle, comfort preferences, body size, and budget are all factors that should be taken into account before deciding on mattress size.
It is recommended to choose a bed that is at least 4-5 inches longer than you and your partner as well as wide enough so you can sleep comfortably without disturbing your partner.
How much money should I spend on buying a mattress?
Mattress prices range widely depending on the size and materials used. When it comes to quality sleep and comfort, buying the best mattress that's within your budget should be your main concern.