Essentia's MANIFESTO

Say good morning to Essentia. The world’s healthiest, cleanest and most natural mattress designed for the best sleep ever from the inside out. Non-toxic and certified organic, our patented vegan technology has us pouring our energy into your nights, so you can pour yours into your most vibrant days.

Essentia Founder's Story

Where it all Started

“My journey began after experiencing a family member’s battle with cancer, after being made aware of the toxins in everyday items we struggled to find a mattress that offered pressure relief and posture support without introducing toxins to the bedroom. I realized at that point how important this was not only for someone battling disease, but also healthy people.

That’s when Essentia was born, 20 years later and we’re more than just the world’s healthiest mattresses. Essentia has revolutionized sleep and how it impacts your environment. The frenzy of the bed-in-a-box has reached absurd heights today, yet nothing has changed as far as health and wellness of the products being offered. This is where Essentia stands alone, providing products made with natural and organic components and unparalleled quality without compromise.

People everywhere have realized the importance of healthy, natural choices during the 16 hours they’re awake. With sleep as the foundation of wellness, we’re determined to fill that same need for the eight hours they’re asleep.”

Jack Dell’Accio - Essentia Founder & CEO


What does it mean to thrive? Really thrive. To wake up every day not just rested, but resilient. Not just recharged, but ready for anything. And not just happier, but healthier – from bedtime to all the time. To thrive is to rise, without compromise.

why we do it

The Value of Organic Sleep

Essentia was founded to solve a void in the market. There was no pressure-relieving mattress that did not off gas. This is an issue if you have chemical sensitivities; are suffering from diseases like cancer; choose prevention over chronic exposure to chemicals; value an organic lifestyle or are seeking higher quality sleep. Essentia developed and manufactures our patented Beyond Latex™ organic foam, the only slow response organic latex foam that feels like memory foam without the chemicals. To this day, Essentia's Performance mattresses are still a more advanced sleep solution than any memory foam option on the market.

But Essentia didn’t stop there, after continued research and development, in 2009 we patented new molding technology to create high-density, elastic organic latex foams. This came about after understanding the value of sleep, the power that it had over your wellness, recovery, and happiness, and the important role that we play by offering top of the line, innovative, healthy sleep options. This patented molding technology allows us to create our accelerated recovery organic foam formula found in the Dormeuse REM9 performance mattress.

Essentia understands that your mattress has the responsibility to create a stimulant free sleep environment so that your body can maintain the deepest, longest possible sleep cycles. All Essentia mattresses offer this and more, with each collection of Essentia mattress offering a different level of unstimulated sleep.


What Makes Essentia
Mattresses Better?

Jack Dell'Accio, Essentia Founder & CEO, walks you through the Essentia organic factory and shares more on Essentia's Beyond Organic® values.
