When it comes to sleep, comfort and recovery are at the heart of what Essentia’s performance mattresses offer. Each mattress is carefully crafted...
As the back-to-school season approaches, establishing good sleep habits becomes crucial for students and their families. Quality sleep is essential...
Latex — aka rubber — is used to make a lot of everyday items. Car tires, toys, shoe soles, and rubber bands are all made from rubber latex. This ma...
If you've ever had an innerspring mattress made with layers of wool and cotton, chances are, you've been advised more than once to flip or rotate i...
ClinophiliaNoun The love of beds. The love of going to bed. In psychiatry: Tendency to maintain a reclining position. Somnephilia (the love of ...
While it is easy to assume that everything manufactured for children and newborns must be safe and healthy, it is often not the case. Unfortunatel...
We've been kicking the year off with a big bang! Last week, Essentia mattresses were featured on The View during Greta Monahan's View Your Deal se...
What’s keeping you awake at night? Sleep issues can take various faces, including medical disorders like depression, sleep apnea, and chronic insom...
Congratulations! Your child got accepted to Harvard University. The bad news is that he/she will have to stay on campus for the first year. Why is...
Where did all the time go? It was just a few months ago they graduated high school full of excitement and energy. Minds filled with adventures, h...
Clean Mattress Shopping Tips Clean sleep is all about creating a healthy, toxin-free sleep environment. It involves using mattresses and bedding m...
Can I Use A Mattress Cooling System on an Essentia? When it comes to achieving the perfect sleep environment, staying cool is crucial. However, not...
How to Identify Mold & Prevent It On Your Mattress Moldy mattresses are a nightmare no one wants to deal with. But how exactly does mold find i...
There is nothing better than going to a live sporting event, from football, basketball, and even baseball the excitement of watching these amazing ...
Getting a good night’s rest is a major key to good physical and mental health. In fact, there is research to suggest that the quality of sleep you ...
This is the number one question asked by our customers. It may sound simple but this is a big investment! Like shopping for your home or car, you d...
Lowering our overall impact on the environment is a team effort, and like a ripple effect, a little from each of us can go a long way when it come...
At Essentia, we believe your sleep should be as pure as it is restorative. That’s why we’ve pioneered Beyond Latex™, our certified organic foam tha...
While doing your mattress research, you probably noticed that things all sound and look the same. Eco this, Green that. Natural here and BIO there....
Sleep is fundamental for functioning in our daily lives and essential for both our physical and mental well-being. Yet, many of us don't fully unde...